blog post in No Food for Thought
"Cryptocurrency": the pseudo-currency which no one understood or accepted, but which many bought
On the cover of the May issue of Canadian magazine L'Actualité , I read "LE BITCOIN POUR LES NULS" ("Bitcoin for Dummies"). One of my first reactions was "true". In fact, it announced [https://lac
blog post in No Food for Thought
Aging and Loss
The above image is probably copyrighted.
Thanks to my friend Sahar for sharing this, and to its author, which I unfortunately don't know. I assume the text is old and would be cha
blog post in No Food for Thought
Common lies
We frequently lie. Some lies are very common. Here are the 3 most common lies on the Internet:
{QUOTE(replyto="L'Actualité, March 2016, page 24")
blog post in No Food for Thought
Debian KDE - A natural choice?
{QUOTE(replyto="Testing migration summary 2015-10-22")}[...]
caribou 0.4.19-1
celery 3.1.18
blog post in No Food for Thought
Égalité en santé
En matière de santé, le Québec est fou d'égalité. En théorie, tous ont accès à des soins de santé gratuits.
En pratique, mon médecin de famille, qui travaille pour le système public, tra
blog post in No Food for Thought
Fausse alerte, Google n'a pas fumé de joint
J'ai pris connaissance de l'étude High intelligence: A risk factor for psychological and physiological overexcitabilities . Mal
blog post in No Food for Thought
Favorite predatory videos
Smart cat
Weird acrocat
blog post in No Food for Thought
Funny faux ami
Il existe au minimum un concept dont les différentes appellations n'auraient pas de quoi écrire un livre (au moins dans les langues indo-e
blog post in No Food for Thought
Go Go Canada, Goooose!
In these tense eco-geo-political times, Canadians may enjoy [|undeniable proof of their s
blog post in No Food for Thought
Infections up, investments down
March and April were unusual months. Questrade's monthly statements reflect that fairly well, but it seems they're not designed for months that unusual:
Here's hoping that fewer pe
blog post in No Food for Thought
Larry Wall wrote:
We all agree on the necessity of compromise. We just can't agree on when it's necessary to compromise.
blog post in No Food for Thought
Many forms of discrimination have already been tackled. And the war against discrimination continues, with [
blog post in No Food for Thought
Il y a quelques semaines, j'ai eu le privilège d'assister à une promesse électorale plus grande que nature. Une promesse de la taille d'un rhinocéros en chef.
En effet, j'assistais au discours
blog post in No Food for Thought
More is less and preMEGAditated Pringles marketing
{REMARKSBOX(type="warning" title="Keep Calm and Remain Seated with a Pack of Chips")}
No Food for Thought makes an exception today to cover an important food topic. No worries though, we'll be ba
blog post in No Food for Thought
No Monopoly on Stupid Lawmaking
2022 Update: Facebook was actually ordered to divest Giphy.
You may know [
blog post in No Food for Thought
Nom sans bon sens
7,99$ pour un sac de pommes sans pommes, ça fait cher :
Marketing qui ne vaut pas cher au supermarché Provigo, sur l'avenue Myrand
blog post in No Food for Thought
On ne fait pas dans les corridors ce qui va dans les toilettes
Aller chez le dentiste, ça peut faire c*ier, mais en sortant, on est sûr de retrouver le sourire...
{img type="fileId" fileId="94" thumb="popup" width="780" desc="Écriteau commençant à souffrir
blog post in No Food for Thought
Penguin euthanasia - A villain idea
Man is born with a number of potential emotions - affection, pride, passion, hope - some of them negative - jealousy, hatred, etc. Maturity helps him control his emotions. But maturation never complet
blog post in No Food for Thought
Smart Indian mechanics nail profitable ways to slow down climate change... well as many vehicles circulating in these streets of Bangalore. In fact, their solution completely stops many vehicles on the streets which benefit from their ecological treatment.
blog post in No Food for Thought
The cost of quality / La prise de qualité
Francophones are used to poor translations . In the end, quality is costly.
But crappy can be equally costly:
{img type="fileId" fileId="52" r
blog post in No Food for Thought
Transition to the SI - A matter of numerous Ms-s
(19:32:13) chealer: so if I consider that PHP's 0 ds should be 1 ds, then that proves my understanding that it's not the DB which adds that extra second.
(19:33:33) Literpho
blog post in No Food for Thought
Unintentionally coined terms
This week our network was hit by the Osiris ransomware. Ransomware is a huge waste of time, but perhaps not as much as the term I unintentionally coined today: randomware .
I still have to refle