SPI has no general-purpose issue tracker as of 2018-03-10. In the meantime, this wiki page serves as an unofficial and fully manual general-purpose tracker. The official issue tracker is also available for specific purposes.
This page can be edited by anyone (but is subject to approval in order to prevent spamming).
Allow public access to membership statistics, reported 2016-07-31Solved by Jonathan McDowell on 2016-08-01 - Allow contributions to website from browser, reported 2016-08-14
- Please clarify ways to contact Board of Directors, reported 2016-08-27
- Make membership (more) public, reported 2016-09-10
- Please explain the topic of each mailing list, reported 2016-10-01
- Publish contributions to associated projects, reported 2017-10-08
- Website does not show staff, reported 2017-10-22
- Website pages contain 2 elements just to link to homepage, reported 2018-07-01
No difference in prominence between level 2 and 3 titles on website, reported 2018-07-01Solved by Valessio Brito on 2018-07-01 - Unclear how all contributions to website can be seen, reported 2018-07-01
Donations: "Shop at AmazonSmile" image does not mention SPI as target, reported 2018-07-01.Solved by Martin Michlmayr on 2018-07-15 -
Donations page has most contents of "Donations via PayPal" in the wrong section, reported 2018-07-01Solved by Martin Michlmayr on 2018-07-16 - Unclear section "Donations made through vendors", reported 2018-07-02
- No way for donators to be credited, reported 2018-07-02
- Misleading "Linux" link on /projects/debian/, reported 2019-10-03
- Vague contact information for Open Voting Foundation associated project, reported 2021-03-25
spi-general mailing list unreachable, reported 2021-03-27. This issue was also reported to SPI's RT, as SYSADM #4825.Solved by Michael Schultheiss on 2021-03-29 - Access to spi-private mailing list archives unclear, reported 2021-04-05
- Mailing list archives do not show message recipients, reported 2021-04-24
- A priori moderation on mailing lists delays message availability (SERIOUS), reported 2021-05-08
- White slashes in page path generally invisible (no contrast), reported 2021-07-15
- Bottom of page path sometimes invisible (overlap with menu), reported 2021-07-18
Except where otherwise noted, all original content on this site (which includes anything but images and quotations) is offered under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, version 4.0 or later.