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blog post in No Food for Thought "Cryptocurrency": the pseudo-currency which no one understood or accepted, but which many bought On the cover of the May issue of Canadian magazine L'Actualité , I read "LE BITCOIN POUR LES NULS" ("Bitcoin for Dummies"). One of my first reactions was "true". In fact, it announced [https://lac
blog post in No Food for Thought Bitcoin is Not Going To Zero, and more on blockchains   Retracted I retracted some of the following in a 2022 post . Apologies When a decade of geek madness about "cryptocurrencies" culminate
blog post in No Food for Thought Celsius : Une douche froide pour la CDPQ. Mieux vaut s'y habituer Je n'ai pas de problème à ce que certains fassent rouler SETI@home sur leur PC. Ni à ce que certains plus tournés vers eux-mêmes utilisent toute l'électricité qu'ils veulent pour chercher des p
blog post in No Food for Thought Crhypeto propelling Malaysia and Argentina towards gold medals, squeezing every last bit out of Earth Today's greatest challenges Preserving our non-renewable natural resources from being wasted The climate crisis (and a few more) What we can do Minimizing negative externalities
blog post in No Food for Thought Cryptomedy: a cryptic but somewhat distributed comedy When people notice their bank account has been compromised, most call the bank. But even among software developers, few would ask the bank to change their code as a remedy. Yet, that's [https://www.sh
blog post in No Food for Thought Happy 20th anniversary, €? Oh, and mea culpa 2022 marks the twentieth anniversary of the Euro becoming tangible . 20 years ago, we could have hoped a lot from that experiment. Greater European unity, more countries adop
blog post in No Food for Thought New Religion Most religions appeared during history, but not recently. We do have accounts of how that happened, like the Bible, but it's not so clear who wrote what when, nor what exactly was written before time
blog post in No Food for Thought Nvidia and the cost of truth Cr hype to is a costly waste. But truth, too, can be costly to tell, at least in the short term. In particular, telling the truth about cr hype to when you're one of the companies sucking the most
blog post in No Food for Thought Smooth summer bitcoindoctrination Scammers are known to target elders. Wise scammers know that old people are less knowledgeable about technology, and less intellectually fit to defend themselves. When you think about it, kids are als
blog post in No Food for Thought What happens when an alternative currency becomes legal tender? Some people think of "alternative currencies" as wonderful solutions to economic problems. But obviously, no currency can have any significant impact without becoming legal tender. So what would ha