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blog post in No Food for Thought Alcohol's long-lasting effects, beyond Asians Technically, the first eletrical computer I owned was a Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)... quite a few years ago, while I was still in elementary school. Correspondingly, it might be fitting that
blog post in No Food for Thought An Apple Brainwash a Day Keeps Bugs Away Computer maker Apple has found the recipe to avoid having to acknowledge any defect in its products: [https://apple.slashdot.org/story/18/12/08/1918204/apple-store-employees-arent-allowed-to-say-crash
blog post in No Food for Thought ASUS F2A85-M Last month I bought my first desktop in a decade. Ordering and getting the parts from DirectCanada was already an experience. I expected some surprises as t
blog post in No Food for Thought Curiosity, computers and privacy I haven't had the need to bring one of my PCs to a repair shop in the last 20 years. And after reading [https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2022/11/half-of-computer-repairs-result-in-
blog post in No Food for Thought DirectCanada   OUTDATED Update: NCIX went bankrupt in 2017, and DirectCanada went offline in Q1 2018. Rest, DirectCanada The first PC I bought online was my thi
blog post in No Food for Thought Losing your cool with Lenovo's Ideapad Flex? Get rid of Yoga Mode Control I gave a new laptop with Microsoft Windows to my parents in October. Unfortunately, the best deal I found, Lenovo's Ideapad Flex 4 ,
blog post in No Food for Thought On the relativity of shipping (or why I won't order from DirectCanada anymore)   OUTDATED Update: NCIX went bankrupt in 2017, and DirectCanada went offline in Q1 2018. Rest, DirectCanada After [http://www.philippecloutier.com/
blog post in No Food for Thought The short-term miracles and long-term threat of hardware upgrades on software performance By nature, I write very performant code. But despite being most performant myself, I unfortunately haven't managed to write my own OS yet. So I'm still stuck running software mostly written by people
blog post in No Food for Thought Tmart.com "terribly sorry" after choosing not to honor its commitments When I found the replacement battery I needed for my laptop on Tmart.com , I verified before since I didn't know the store. The first review I found was positive, so I bought. Unfor