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blog post in No Food for Thought Atypical commuting There are several ways to commute. By foot, by subway, by car, by bicycle, by bus, or by a mix of these. By tramway or boat, by skateboard, by motorcycle or scooter too. As a resident of Quebec Cit
blog post in No Food for Thought Chronic inflation: still insufficient to deflate short-termist illusions? In April 2001, I was still 15 and knew very little about USA politics. Yet it took a single misleading and high-stakes declaration from its then-president brushing off the Kyoto Protocol to put him at
blog post in No Food for Thought Crhypeto propelling Malaysia and Argentina towards gold medals, squeezing every last bit out of Earth Today's greatest challenges Preserving our non-renewable natural resources from being wasted The climate crisis (and a few more) What we can do Minimizing negative externalities
blog post in No Food for Thought Dyson sphere I remember being halfway through high school when I had the idea of optimizing solar energy by putting panels around the Sun and relaying the energy to Earth. I did not promote the idea a lot at the t
blog post in No Food for Thought From Climatic Disruption to Ashes to Further Climatic Disruption The ongoing wildfire season in Canada has been unprecedented. Even though the worse has been in the West for a while, this week, we're seeing smoke in Quebec city again, and there's a new smog warning
blog post in No Food for Thought Individual action A lot of what we hear about environmental damage mitigation is about individual action. Don't eat endangered fish . As for the climate crisis, ''Don't eat beef, Don't eat meat, Don't throw paper in
blog post in No Food for Thought La décarbonisation du carbone, ou l'écoblanchiment de l'énergie fossile Quelle stratégie un pays comme le Canada, devant des précipices démocratiques, environnementaux et économiques, devrait-il choisir? Simplement adopter le ((wpf:Principe pollueur-payeur|principe po
blog post in No Food for Thought Le vrai défi Hilo : dépasser les incitatifs pervers Les effets pervers sont innombrables. Il est ainsi bien connu que l'utilisation d'antibiotiques en agriculture rend l'humain beaucoup plus vulnérable aux bactéries en raison de
blog post in No Food for Thought The recycling symbol: the modest origins of a symbol which largely lost its meaning in a throwaway society Grist has published a long but excellent article by Kate Yoder titled How the recycling symbol lost its meaning . But that article
blog post in No Food for Thought The Stone Age, the Bronze Age, the Iron Age... and the Lead Age? Minerals have shaped human (pre)history. A few million years after the Stone Age came the Metal Ages . Copper allowed the Copper Age and the Bronze Age, after which
blog post in No Food for Thought Unprotocolary protocolist As a progressive and free (not to say atypical) spirit, I am nonconformist. I have always had difficulty with P rotocol . But as a computer scientist, as a champion of open standar
blog post in No Food for Thought Urgence aux pôles, urgence au Parlement Le dérèglement climatique n'a rien de nouveau, à notre échelle de temps. Mais malgré tout ce que j'ai déjà lu à ce sujet, j'ai trouvé intéressant (et encore plus effrayant) [https://lactuali