blog post in No Food for Thought | 100 years of brokanadian promises 2021 is the 100 year anniversary of the first Canadian federal government elected on a promise to introduce proportional representation. On a |
blog post in No Food for Thought | British Columbia's Provincial Liberals Announce Their Top Priority: British Columbia's Provincial Liberals In the fall of 2018, British Columbia voters will be voting in a referendum on proportional representation. This is of course a threat for members of parties favored by |
blog post in No Food for Thought | Comprendre l'Afghanistan L'Afghanistan passe incontestablement à travers une période désastreuse. Il n'est pas facile de voir du positif dans ce gaspillage monumental . Sans diminuer le cauchemar vécu par |
blog post in No Food for Thought | Electoral reform coming to Canada? After the last election, I wrote about the federal electoral reform promised. Nothing has really changed since then, which is why I am writing a new pos |
blog post in No Food for Thought | False Majorities - Sadly Doubly True for a Majority of Canadians As British Columbia is about to get a rare opportunity to get rid of FPTP , Fair Vote Canada shows just how relevant the topic is : {img type="fileId" fileId="85" |
blog post in No Food for Thought | Germany and Canada: A sharp contrast in what democracy can be If your tracking of Canadian politics focuses on the Parliament's composition, you might not have noticed anything particular in September. If you also pay attention to the budget though, you may have |
blog post in No Food for Thought | Illusory superiority and collective exceptionalism Kune ni povos has always promoted unity while fighting fragmentation . Yet despite exceptionalism 's impact on unity, I was not quite aware that exceptionalism c |
blog post in No Food for Thought | Imcaration and Canada's alternative to incarceration How much would it cost someone to be caught driving a vehicle with a fake license plate? When you ask people, their answers vary widely. As [ |
blog post in No Food for Thought | Inflation in Canada: François-Philippe Champagne and the PLC's grocery stunt Minister of In tervention novation, Science and Industry 9:50 |
blog post in No Food for Thought | Integrity and openness - values to better distribute It might seems strange for someone who was part of Justin Trudeau's Liberal Party of Canada government for 7 years to teach about integrity. It's nevertheless interesting to see how ((wp:Marc Garne |
blog post in No Food for Thought | It's Always Time for Payback How much have the United States evolved in terms of politics over the last couple decades? A couple of quotes might clarify. {QUOTE()}Make no mistake; the United States __will hunt down and punish_ |
blog post in No Food for Thought | L'Intégrité avec un grand « I » : Jean-Benoit Ratté, conseiller en affaires publiques Dans la vie, responsabiliser ses semblables demande du courage. Et de l'énergie, ressource qui est limitée. Comme on dit, il faut « choisir ses combats », sachant que certains combats sont bien |
blog post in No Food for Thought | La décarbonisation du carbone, ou l'écoblanchiment de l'énergie fossile Quelle stratégie un pays comme le Canada, devant des précipices démocratiques, environnementaux et économiques, devrait-il choisir? Simplement adopter le ((wpf:Principe pollueur-payeur|principe po |
blog post in No Food for Thought | Liberal Party of Canada responds to petition e-616 After the liberals announced they would break their promise to get rid of FPTP |
Wiki | Liquid governance |
Wiki | Liste noire de partis politiques |
blog post in No Food for Thought | Méta-promesse Il y a quelques semaines, j'ai eu le privilège d'assister à une promesse électorale plus grande que nature. Une promesse de la taille d'un rhinocéros en chef. En effet, j'assistais au discours |
blog post in No Food for Thought | No Monopoly on Stupid Lawmaking × 2022 Update: Facebook was actually ordered to divest Giphy. You may know [ |
blog post in No Food for Thought | Pavel Filatyev and the courage to oppose and die When you hear about Ukraine's invasion, you can't help but wonder why some Russian soldiers won't quit and denounce. Pavel Filatyev may be the first one to quit completely , and have the courage an |
Wiki | Political Party Blacklist |
blog post in No Food for Thought | Sergey Naryshkin, relativity and the teachings of conflict Russian Foreign Intelligence Service director Sergey Naryshkin would, at first look, seem like an evil fraud. And yet, right before Russia launched its full-scale invasion of U |
blog post in No Food for Thought | Superfluous election, necessary opportunity In 2015, 39% of Canadian voters gave their vote to the Liberal Party of Canada. 4 years later, that support had dropped to 33%. Less than what the PCC obtained, but still enough to form a government. |
blog post in No Food for Thought | Victory for the Liberals, Defeat for Governance; Disgust for Canadian Politics {LANG(lang="fr")} Durant la dernière élection fédérale , une proportion des partis politiques plus haute que jamais favorisait la réforme élect |
blog post in No Food for Thought | Violent video games: significant distractions I played several violent video games during my childhood and early adulthood, and wasted several more person-weeks playing them. Despite playing America's Army, I was never recruited by any army, and |
blog post in No Food for Thought | Vladimir Putin's Undeclared Wars 3 weeks ago, shortly after Russia expanded its invasion of Ukraine, I wondered how Russians would react. And I wondered if they could react, given how bad repression is getting . I w |
Kune ni povos is seriously freethough not completely humor-free: