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blog post in No Food for Thought Car thieves are bad, but much wiser than car makers Thieves have a new way to steal cars. A method for clean thefts, served on a silver platter by car manufacturers who sell cars equipped with key fobs instead of traditional keys, [https://www.cbc.ca/n
blog post in No Food for Thought Complicating complications: TFSA contribution limit {REMARKSBOX(type="information")}In the early 21st century, some Canadian politicians were worried that the federal government's debt was only a few hundreds of billions of CAD-s. The conservatives—p
blog post in No Food for Thought Crhypeto propelling Malaysia and Argentina towards gold medals, squeezing every last bit out of Earth Today's greatest challenges Preserving our non-renewable natural resources from being wasted The climate crisis (and a few more) What we can do Minimizing negative externalities
blog post in No Food for Thought Du Crédit d'impôt relatif à un fonds de travailleurs à un Crédit d'imposteurs Qu'y a-t-il de pire que de subventionner le secteur privé? Mal subventionner le secteur privé. Chose bien trop commune dans notre pays. J'allais cotiser à mon REER+ du Fonds de solidarité des t
blog post in No Food for Thought Filelight and drive space usage analyzers for Microsoft Windows One of Microsoft Windows's weaknesses has always been drive space usage analysis tools. My reference on that front is KDE, which often comes with an appropriate tool. In the old days, KDirStat, and mo
blog post in No Food for Thought From Ashes to Ashes to Pharce No Food for Thought wouldn't be complete without a rant against Canada's Phoenix pay system . This week I worked with an unfortunate former government employee who's been
blog post in No Food for Thought Google Maps driving you nuts? Welcome to the anonymous road club Fast Company has written a 5-point rant against Google Maps . The first 4 points honestly don't bother me much... but as
blog post in No Food for Thought Imcaration and Canada's alternative to incarceration How much would it cost someone to be caught driving a vehicle with a fake license plate? When you ask people, their answers vary widely. As [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/snow-licence-plate-
blog post in No Food for Thought Microsoft Outlook 2013 and IMAP - ouch After catastrophic issues with our file server caused by Outlook PST files, I've been trying to move from POP to IMAP at the office. A few months ago I did a first step, migrating my own mailbox. This
blog post in No Food for Thought Mountain Equipment Coop, les feux à DEL Turtle et la censure En tant que propriétaire de 2 feux à DEL Turtle, j'ai publié une évaluation du [https://www.mec.ca/fr/product/5006-706/Feu-arri%C3%A8re-%C3%A0-DEL-rouge-Turtle|feu arrière à DEL rouge Turtle de
blog post in No Food for Thought Rant: Seatpost-mounted rear mudguards (Polisport CROSS COUNTRY ) Winter is a hard time for utilitarian bikers in Quebec. And due to the usage of rock salt for de-icing, it is even a lethal time for bikes. I always use a different bicycle for winters, because each b
blog post in No Food for Thought The short-term miracles and long-term threat of hardware upgrades on software performance By nature, I write very performant code. But despite being most performant myself, I unfortunately haven't managed to write my own OS yet. So I'm still stuck running software mostly written by people
blog post in No Food for Thought Thunderbird "Authentication failure" popup trying to setup a Gmail account on a new OS install? Are you migrating to a new operating system (Windows, or quite possibly any) and failing to setup your Gmail account in Thunderbird (version 68.1.2, and surely many more)? Getting a small popup which

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