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blog post in No Food for Thought Open Source Security Foundation gains recognition... and funding? 8 years ago, Heartbleed was estimated to have cost at least 500 million USD. Since then, many more vulnerabilities were granted infamous names, including a few whose damages are estimated at th
blog post in No Food for Thought "Pilot Error" {LANG(notlang="fr")}The crash of Lion Air Flight 610 and the resulting 189 deaths raised quite a few questions. Understandably, a lot of suspicion w
blog post in No Food for Thought Artificial Intelligence's Current Achievement: Unlimited Disruption? In 2020, No Food for Thought asked whether AI's next achievement would be unlimited trolling . As far as I know, large-scale peer production remains mostly spared from such disruptio
blog post in No Food for Thought AV1: A Victory for Open Video Rejoice. One major component of modernity - video - can now be compressed using a stable, specified and fully open royalty-free video codec, with [https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2018/07/11/royalty-free
blog post in No Food for Thought Book Unions Microsoft's electronic book business wasn't profitable enough. So Microsoft is closing its DRM servers : {QUOTE()}The books will stop working.{QUOT
blog post in No Food for Thought CVE-2024-3094: Just a number, but still just a number Last week, CVE-2024-3094 was revealed. Thanks to relatively good fortune and a highly diligent engineer, this vulnerability assessed as 10.0 (critical)
blog post in No Food for Thought Cybercrime Did you ever reflect about your reaction if you were to be jailed? Well, why would you go to jail? What if your work got you to jail? Would you be mad if a court mistakenly declared you guilty of f
blog post in No Food for Thought EasyPHP review - not so easy to choose over XAMPP In recent years, I ranted about 2 of the main options for installing a development AMP (Apache, PHP) stack (including Xdebug) on Windows, namely XAMPP and [http
blog post in No Food for Thought EU-FOSSA 2 ends The European Union's second FOSSA project has ended with incredible results. EU-FOSSA undoubtedly made free software w
blog post in No Food for Thought Fausse alerte, Google n'a pas fumé de joint J'ai pris connaissance de l'étude High intelligence: A risk factor for psychological and physiological overexcitabilities . Mal
blog post in No Food for Thought FHoS - Igor Escobar and the jQuery Mask Plugin Designing Web forms can still be a pain today. I thought HTML version 5 and its tel type input field could replace the complicated triple text fi
blog post in No Food for Thought Filelight and drive space usage analyzers for Microsoft Windows One of Microsoft Windows's weaknesses has always been drive space usage analysis tools. My reference on that front is KDE, which often comes with an appropriate tool. In the old days, KDirStat, and mo
blog post in No Food for Thought FLOSS Fall? Security reality catching up with free software A couple decades ago, free software was the target of much FUD , notably regarding its security. But free software evangelists could easily reply to Microsoft and ot
blog post in No Food for Thought Free software and integration: a long-term issue More than a decade ago, Greg Kroah-Hartman started offering some Linux versions with significant support. Linux 2.6.32 was designated as a "long term" support release, even though the term was just ab
blog post in No Food for Thought From Ashes to Ashes to Pharce No Food for Thought wouldn't be complete without a rant against Canada's Phoenix pay system . This week I worked with an unfortunate former government employee who's been
blog post in No Food for Thought Issues using GNU/Linux as a "desktop" (PC) I hit numerous issues when I moved my desktop from Microsoft Windows to GNU/Linux. When this started to feel like too many, I remember starting a document listing the main issues. Eventually, I hit ma
blog post in No Food for Thought Leaving the PHP Framework Interoperability Group Last December, I struggled with documentation tags while using Eclipse with a private PHP project. I eventually realized Eclipse wasn't necessarily the one to blame. [https://github.com/php-fig/fig-st
blog post in No Food for Thought Log4Shell and OpenSSF Heartbleed was more than 7 years ago. This year, the new Heartbleed is Log4Shell , which is in no way less severe than Heartbleed. I lost several hours of work due to
blog post in No Food for Thought ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer on Debian 8 ManageEngine's NetFlow Analyzer is probably the best NetFlow analysis software. It supports GNU/Linux and is even free for a maximum of 2 network interfaces. NetFlow Analyzer 12.1 can be installed
blog post in No Food for Thought No More Tofu, Thank You I don't remember having seen "tofu" on my personal computer for a while. That's probably thanks to [https://opensource.googleblog.com/2016/10/an-open-source-font-system-for-everyone.html|the Noto font
blog post in No Food for Thought Open Source Security Foundation A couple of months ago, when writing about the end of EU-FOSSA 2 , I criticized its reactionary nature. Just like [http://www.philippeclout
blog post in No Food for Thought Patently sad hurdles for interoperability progress 2022-11-19 Update: It appears this won't cause a real problem. It has already been mo
blog post in No Food for Thought Pour boire, manger... et toute autre ingestion Ma mère est d'une générosité extraordinaire, c'est bien connu. À preuve, suffit de rappeler le cadeau à l'humanité qu'elle fit en lui donnant son fils. Mais en regardant sa facture le lendem
blog post in No Food for Thought Preventing Corporate Success Lack of supply is a problem Western states take very seriously. A lot more than the weight of excessive regulation. So when a market is lacking suppliers and failing to satisfy consumer expectation
blog post in No Food for Thought RxJS: unexpectedly reactive I'm not the first one to observe that Reactive Extensions For JavaScript have quite a learning curve . It'